Security & Surveillance Biz: What lies ahead

Video Serveillance Sycurity
Security Industry is poised for a dramatic turbulence in the next 10 years.The inherent inefficiency of man-guards coupled with its rising costs and the advent of reliable yet economical technology based video surveillance, makes Man Guarding Business a dying breed.Video Analytics has probably reached 5% of it’s potential but is being hard sold without the accuracy for reliability putting questions on credibility and creating heartburns of

However, Video Analytics is making fast and furious strides. Helping this is the availability of fast bandwidths and storage at ever decreasing costs. Added to this is the new router technology that consolidates bandwidth from multiple network providers and medium.

Intrusion panel industry with traditional sensor based technology will be at serious risk in the next 10 years.

The next 10 years is a time for a bridge with technology that uses the best of sensor technology coupled with video Analytics that are fully proven and reliable aided where needed, by quick response teams.

The Man Guarding Business with evolve into smaller outfits with well-trained security professionals backed up with a larger force of vehicles for quick response.

Many of the Intrusion panel Businesses will fold up giving way to Video Analytics.

-By Sunil R. Udupa,
Managing Director